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Canadian Historic Sites: Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History No. 17

The Halifax Citadel, 1825-60: A Narrative and Structural History

by John Joseph Greenough


Glossary of Fortifications Terms used in this Report





". . . we have nothing on Citadel Hill but a heap of ruins. . . ."

The Bureaucratic Process

Colonel Nicolls's Citadel

"I now think I made a little too free with the Climate. . . ."

Truth and Consequences


Colonel Calder Revises

". . . the Necessity of Remedying the leakage. . . ."

". . . and keep your powder dry!"

The Very Model of a Modern Major General

Of Mr. McCully's Cow and Other Matters


Appendix A: Ordnance Staff and Officers Commanding at Halifax

Appendix B: The Trace

Appendix C: Cavalier

Appendix D: Magazines

Appendix E: Casemates

Appendix F: Drainage

Appendix G: Walls

Appendix H: The Gate and Bridge

Appendix I: The Sally Ports

Appendix J: Ravelins

Appendix K: Armament

Appendix L: General Plan



Select Bibliography


1 The Smyth Commission: Comparison between the Costs as estimated by the Commissioners and as estimated by the Engineers at the Stations

2 Nicolls's Escarp Profiles compared to Vauban's recommended Dimensions for Escarps of similar Size

3 Approximate Amounts by which the various 1833 Estimates exceeded those of 1825

4 Proposed Armament, 1846

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